Time Travel with me

I watched the The Time Traveler’s Wife with my cousins last week (I don’t remember exactly the date). I wanted to read the book first before watching it, but by the increasing demand of my cousin, we watched the movie at ATC. This movie is based on Audrey Niffenegger’s book The Time Traveler’s Wife. I find the movie amusing, and that a person (Henry) have a genetic disorder where his genetic clock resets, time travels unpredictably and find himself either in his past or future. And it’s hard for him to live a life like that and to love Claire like that. Even with Claire, it is truly hard.

I don’t like to be a spoiler (for those who haven’t seen the movie yet). I will leave this post void of telling the end of the story.

I loved the movie (tho there are some parts are really confusing, y’know, Henry is showing up unpredictably and even by two’s!) <3

This entry was published on 31.08.09 at 6:53 pm. It’s filed under In Which I Think About Random Things, In Which I Write About Books and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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